Personal finance books you must read.

I started my personal finance journey in December of 2019; at the time, I knew nothing about personal finance, let alone a journey that would be years of unlearning, learning, discovery, and of course, The Responsible Homegirl. I didn’t know this world of personal finance existed, but the pain of my irresponsible financial decisions and the embarrassment of being so close to eviction led me there. Yea, it took me blowing $7,000 in 4 months and facing evicition to finally care about where my money is going. *sighs *

There is hope.

If you can relate to the 21-year-old Kionnie who desperately wanted to manage her money better, or the present-day Kionnie who believes achieving financial freedom is possible: this book list will help you on your path. You don’t know what you don’t know, and exposure changes everything! No matter what you’re facing right now, there is hope! I know how it is to be stressed about money and praying for a miracle to combat my mismanagement.If you’re reading this blog post, I know you’re ready to take your personal finances to a new level and I’m right here backing you. Let’s gooooooooo!!!! *in my best Glorilla voice * 

The book list:

Moving forward in your personal finances requires reading, listening, and applying. Reading books about personal finance, listening to podcasts and the experiences of others, and applying what you read and listen to. I’ll be back with another blog post about some of my favorite money podcasts, but, for now, let’s get into my list of books you must read on your way to financial freedom. 

  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad

  2. Rich and Righteous

  3. Get Good With Money

  4. We Should All Be Millionaires 

  5. I Will Teach You to Be Rich 

  6. You Are a Bad A** at Making Money

  7. The Automatic Millionaire

  8. Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice

  9. Black Fortunes 

  10. Stop Worrying and Make Money 

Each of these books have helped me develop a better money mindset and gave me practical steps to implement in my personal finances. Choose a book, order it, and start reading the day it hits your front porch! If you’ve read any books that have helped you with your personal finances please share them in the comments section of this post. We don’t level up alone over here!

After ordering the book you plan to read, in the meantime, I want you to start building momentum. Click here to download my free money management guide which includes 3 reflective questions and 3 practical tips to start managing your money better. Download it here and start managing your money so your money isn’t managing you!


Stop procrastinating and go all in on your dreams.


3 Easy Steps to Budget Your  Money Consistently and Know Exactly Where Your Money is Going.