Is it better to have a weekly budget or monthly budget?

This is a typical budgeting question I love to answer! When I first started budgeting my money, I created monthly budgets because that’s all I saw on the internet. I was trying everything I watched on YouTube videos or read on someone’s blog, but no matter what I tried, I still struggled to keep money in my account and stick to my budget. I don’t know how I came up with the concept of “budgeting every time you get paid” so it was clearly nobody but God. I started to change my perception of budgeting and went from simply putting numbers on paper to using my budget as a guide. I started thinking about budgeting like a financial GPS system. Think about how a GPS system gives you direction to get from your current location to your destination, this is the same with your budget. The purpose of your budget is to give your money direction, and every time you make money, it’s your responsibility to tell your money where to go and what to do. 

On payday, we plan.

With that said, you should budget based on how often you get paid. If you get paid monthly, budget monthly. If you get paid bi-weekly, budget bi-weekly. If you get paid weekly, budget weekly. Every time you get paid, create a plan! The more you budget your money, the easier it’ll be to save consistently, spend wisely, invest strategically, and give effortlessly. 

Don’t settle, be strategic. 

Money is easy to waste when you don’t manage what you make. The luxurious life you dream of is attainable, but don’t rush it. Focus on building a solid financial foundation, increasing your income over time, investing in assets, and then splurge sis! We have to be strategic with our finances instead of settling for whatever life throws our way. 

Payday Planning Sessions:

Because budgeting is a difficult habit to adopt, I created a virtual space called Payday Planning Sessions to hold you accountable and help you budget your money every time you get paid. We meet together every Friday on Zoom at 6:30PM and this space is a great way to start budgeting on a consistent basis. If you struggle with discipline, need accountability, and you’re ready to get your money organized and start budgeting- come to our next session! All you have to do is, order The Responsible Homegirl Planner, and I'll send you the information directly! 2024 will be your best financial year, but only if you plan accordingly.


Old Black Money: Black History meets Black Wealth 


No more sad looking savings accounts: how to save money.