I want this in real life.

“I want this in real life.”

Those 6 words are what I said to myself as I walked through the villa my family and I were vacationing at in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. The home was so nice: 2 levels, open floor plan, 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, heated bathroom floors (I’m not gone hold you, this was my favorite amenity lol) balcony on the second level, and in the master bedroom, a massive outdoor area with a pool, hot tub, grill, and lounge chairs. You can get a peak of the property here. As I walked through the doors saying “Oooouuuu this is nice, ain’t no roaches in here” if you know you know lol, the main thought that came across my mind was “I want this in real life”. This is cool for vacation, I was extremely grateful to experience this but I want this experience to be my norm. 

The morning after arriving at the villa, I woke up at 7ish to spend some time by myself before the busyness of the day and as I was praying and journaling, God reminded me of why I do what I do. The Responsible Homegirl is deeper than budgeting, it’s about showing people that there are other options out there! I always say “There is more to money than making it, spending it, and barely saving it”, reread the first 3 words of that phrase… “There is MORE”.  Our lack of exposure will have us out here playing small and settling for less, and we all know, that when you settle for less you get less than what you settled for. 

I know I made a big deal about the house at the beginning of this blog post, but the house is nothing compared to what you can experience if you take the limits off of your mind. In Woman Evolve, a book written by Sarah Jakes Roberts, she said “The sky is not the limit, it’s only another level”. This quote has stuck with me since reading her book and just like the villa, it reminds me to aim higher and think bigger! 

In true Responsible Homegirl fashion, I wouldn’t be on brand if I didn’t share some financial education to tie this all together. Having the experience of staying in this luxury villa, ignited something in me. It did something for the vision I have for my personal life. Be reminded that the big things we desire, financially, start with small steps. It’s deciding to budget FIRST when you could easily start spending money as soon as you get paid. It choosing to save for your first home or first investment property so you can start building wealth for the future. It’s cutting back on areas in your life that don’t align with your financial goals. I know you weren’t with me in DR, but I want to challenge you to think about the vision you have for your finances. What do you really want and why? I’d love to hear from you! I’m going to shout out a few folks on my next YouTube video so send in your submissions to theresponsiblehomegirl@gmail.com. After writing down what you want and why, make a note of what you can start doing TODAY to work towards seeing these dreams in real life. Don’t think too deep or too hard, you have more power than you know!

Always remember with exposure, execution, and consistency there’s nothing you can’t do! If you haven’t purchased The Responsible Homegirl Budgeting Planner yet, click here to grab yours. It’s the budgteing planner you need to save money, get organized, and make responsible financial decisions!



The Responsible Homegirl


Starting your personal finance journey


The Best Budgeting Tips (Part 1)